
Are your marketing and PR tactics in support of your brand? Are you reaching the right customers in the most cost- and time-effective ways? Capiche can help you develop a targeted strategic marketing plan specific to your needs.

Every organization has a brand—intentional or not. Is your brand what you want it to be? Capiche can reveal your current brand and help you strengthen or reposition your spot in the marketplace to meet your sales goals.

Knowledge is power. When you have a clear, objective picture of what is happening in your tasting room and wine club, you can make strategic adjustments. Capiche gathers powerful data for your precise action.

Do you ever wonder why some days are better than others in respect to sales per customer and wine club conversions per customer? So much comes down to the performance of your team. Get the inside scoop from an objective shopper.

Chris has earned a reputation for being a forward thinker and motivational team leader. Her consulting includes a heavy dose of coaching as her clients develop solutions to match their needs in an inclusive, transparent process.