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Southern Oregon Wineries: The Next Generation in Charge

It was bound to happen. Southern Oregon’s pioneering wineries are passing from their founding fathers and mothers to the next generation. If you haven’t visited these featured Southern Oregon wineries, autumn is a lovely time to make the trip! Here’s your travel guide.

Got Downtime in the Tasting Room? Use It to Better Serve Your Future Guests

Most tasting rooms experience downtime during which there are no guests. That leaves you with three options: 1) let the staff sit and wait, 2) send staff home, or 3) have them perform other strategic tasks. I’ll bet you can imagine what Capiche recommends!

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Never Show the Back of the House

“For a successful restaurant to flourish, there are many parts that must work together to create a positive experience and end result for the consumer.” The same goes for tasting rooms.

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Have Tasting Rooms Gone to the Dogs?

When Sunset magazine identified 21 dog-friendly vacations, Cannon Beach, Lincoln City and Portland, OR, all made the list.

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