Use Tasting Room Downtime to Increase Visibility (and Sales)

Got downtime in the tasting room?

Most tasting rooms experience downtime during which there are no guests. That leaves you with three options: let the staff sit and wait, send staff home, or have them perform other strategic tasks. I’ll bet you can imagine what Capiche recommends!

Over the winter holiday, we organized a wine cellar using the Cellar Tracker app. As most of you know, this app allows consumers to scan in a wine’s UPC or upload a bottle shot. We were surprised how many wines were missing from the database. This is a lost marketing opportunity for your tasting room and online sales. When is the last time you checked Cellar Tracker—and similar apps—to ensure all your wines are included in their databases? This is a terrific way for your staff to use downtime in the tasting room.

Other apps and databases staff should review include Vivino, Hello Vino, Wine Enthusiast, Wine Searcher, Wine Ring, Delectable, Plonk, VinoCell, Tipple, Snooth, and Drync. Do you know of any others? Let us know!

BTW, Social Vignerons rated several of these apps, and here’s the link for more info.

No downtime? The Capiche team can perform an audit of all 12 apps and databases for you. Give us a call at 541.601.0114 or drop us an email and let us know how we may help.

Wine apps are a lost marketing opportunity for your tasting room and online sales. Share on X

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